From creative sketch, to atelier and store, and then to you, there is no shortcut when it comes to delivering the quality we cherish. We nurture and insist on the handmade component of everything we produce, and this manual “flip phone methodology” is something we are truly proud of. From zigging stitches to festive pompoms and immaculate embroidery, we employ many traditional techniques to achieve the high standards that you’ve come to expect from the V. Barkowski label.

There is a time investment and a lot of expertise that goes into every item we make. Through the magic of invisible hands that deftly punctuate every tassel on every napkin or babouche, we make sure that what you end up receiving is what we’ve already stamped with the “handmade” seal of approval in the atelier.
There is no special bee line to arrive at fine craftsmanship. Rather, it’s through the daily task of getting all those nimble hands on deck!